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Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Centers

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For Professionals

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Movement Disorder Series  

The Movement Disorder Series-Webinars are designed to provide VHA healthcare professionals with current practice standards and emerging trends in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. Continuing education credits are provided for live webinars only. Click here for the Movement Disorder series page. 

Nursing Care Across the Parkinson's Disease Spectrum: An Introduction
Knowledge-based, vitual training (recorded) providing nurses an overview of the different nursing roles (i.e. LPN, RN, APRN, PA) across the PD spectrum and how nurses can use their voice and expertise to impact patients within their interdisciplinary team.

Free Patient Education Material
PADRECC and Associated Site clinicians can order bulk supply of FREE patient education resources from The Parkinson's Foundation by calling the PF Helpline 1-800-473-4636 or emailing

Check out the PF Library for downloadable books, fact sheets and guides

Professional Education

Notice: When you click on a link provided below, you may be leaving the Department of Veterans Affairs Website. The VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of any of the links listed below. Please refer to the VA's official disclaimer at:

Parkinson's Foundation Digital Resources for VA Health Professionals Treating Veterans with Parkinson's Disease PF offers a wide range of online training and education resources, many include CMEs

VHA National Desktop Library: available to staff VA-wide that provides full-text access to clinical textbooks, journals and databases.

International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society is a world-wide professional society invested in providing educational programs designed to advance scientific and clinical knowledge about movement disorders, and promotes research into the causes, prevention and treatment of same.

American Academy of Neurology

A group of doctors reviewing a case.
VA primary care providers or neurologists can refer Veterans with movement disorder related issues to a PADRECC or Associated Site using an inter-facility consult (IFC).  Go to our Getting Care page to locate a PADRECC or Associated Site.
Clinical Tools

Parkinson's Disease Quick Reference Guide for Initiating Therapy-Pocket Card

2024 revised Parkinson's Disease Program and Clinical Guide

Clinical Indications for the Use of Dopaminergic Functional Imaging

Hoehn & Yahr Staging

Schwab & England

United Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)

DBS in PD Fact Sheet

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - Instructions and Test Forms

Prune Whip Recipe

Osteoporosis Information Sheet

National VA PD Network
The National VA PD Network offers peer networking, mentorship, education and training. For VA clinicians with interest and expertise in movement disorders go to membership information.

The VA Parkinson Report

A newsletter for the PADRECCs and the National VA PD Network.

The Transmitter

A bi-monthly electronic newsletter for the PADRECCs and the National VA PD Network.